Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Harkonnen Ornithopter Update

Since I am only working part time and there is still a week to go before I can really start packing for the move to LA, I have been spending a bit of time trying to finish up the "standard" Harkonnen ornithopter so I can "Special Editionize" it.

Here's where I left it last time...

A bit crap really... had only just sort of started trying to get everything in place.

Now, using the blueprints kindly provided by Dune production artist Ron Miller, it now looks a bit better (Even though there are certain details that just don't show up clearly on the blueprints).

Lots and lots of detail still to add to the main hull (Ironically you can't even see this detail in the movie - at least on the DVD version I have - it might show up on Hi-Def though)
I'm having a helluva time trying to model the large windows at the ends of the main cockpit though - that whole section is really complicated and essentially just intersecting curves in everywhich direction. (See reference pic)


  1. Are you planning on adding the fin-wings? Those really pull together the deadly feel of the 'thopter by giving it a more marine-hunter look.

  2. Hi Jackal_killer - yep! See the new update!

  3. Absolutely amazing. They should put the money up to add your footage to the 1984 version of the film
