Monday, February 16, 2015

Piter's Arrival - The Harkonnen Tram sequence

One of the more poorly edited sequences in the movie revolves around Piter De Vries arrival at the Harkonnen capital by tram. As depicted in the movie it is a really confusing set of shots which also includes some terrible compositing and blue screen work.
Only the final shot with the matte painting of the interior of the massive industrial complex is well done.
To this end I have been working away on building the two major features from that sequence - the massive industrial building and the creepy "oil burners" with the strange baby faces which are barely seen in the movie.
This is an update on what I had previously done in an attempt to make it more "movie" accurate given what references I have of it.
Still a lot of work to be don on it to match the model better and the face is nowhere near correct yet, but the elements are starting to come together.